TPLO Alternative

If your dog has suffered an ACL tear, learn about our patent-pending QLF™ surgical procedure.


Monday – Friday 8:00 – 6:00
Saturday 9:00 – 2:00

Welcome to the Canine Cruciate Center of New England

What Is QLF™ Surgery?

Our QLF™ surgery is a more natural approach because it simply re-stabilizes and reinforces what mother nature created in the first place rather than attempting to redesign the anatomy of the canine stifle and reengineer the biomechanics of the joint. Why? Click to learn about the science behind how it’s possible.

Evaluation Process

We see patients from every corner of New England every day and from all over the United States on a regular basis. For each and every case we see, we have a rigorous screening process that enables us to not only confirm (or rule out) the diagnosis of a cranial cruciate ligament tear, but identify any and all co-pathologies that may be present in any given case


Dr. Murtha started doing post-operative surveys in 2018 to document the success rate and benefits of our QLF™ surgery. The survey results reflect some of the most recent 400+ procedures Dr. Murtha has performed.

Schedule an Appointment

You’ve taken the first step to getting your pet well again! Our compassionate team takes great pride in ensuring the highest level of quality in their work, meaning you and your pet will receiving nothing but our best efforts always. Please fill out the form below to book an appointment with us.